Pintle Eyes & Rings
Pintle Eyes and Rings
Various pintle tow eyes and trailer ring couplings, from fixed to swivel couplings, are available.
Importantly, the rated D-value is used to select the correct sized ring coupling.
Disastrous results occur when rigs are unbalanced. We do not recommend DIY techniques when owners are balancing their rigs.
Towing rings quickly wear through incorrect weight distribution on the trailer. Excessive downforce causes excessive wear; therefore, V-Value is an important factor.
The V-Value for a tandem trailer should be 6 to 7% and 10% for single-axle trailers.
When excessive weight is added to downward force (V-Value), significant damage occurs to both connected devices, reducing the product’s life.
How to measure Ring Coupling head weight?
Drive your truck and trailer onto a weighbridge and measure the weight.
Disconnect the trailer and measure the weight.
Measure the difference in the coupling head weight using this device.
Finally, the accidental wrong location of an excavator will result in severe equipment wear.